

LUCA POLLASTRI, Fidenza Cathedral’s organist, started his musical studies with Massimo Gabbi and graduated in organ performance and organ composition from the “G. Frescobaldi” Conservatory in Ferrara, Italy, where he studied with Antonello Aleotti. He also earned a degree in organ performance summa cum laude with Francesco Tasini and Vincenzo Ninci and harpsichord with Marina Scaioli. At the “Haute École de Musique” in Geneva (Switzerland), he earned a Master of Arts in Music Performance, majoring in organ performance.
In 2007 he took first place in the first edition of the Albert Dunnig International Organ Prize in Spoleto.
He has given numerous solo organ recitals to positive acclaim from audiences and critics both in Italy and abroad. He has been invited to play in various festivals in France (at Notre-Dame in Paris, on the occasion of the 850th anniversary of the foundation of the Cathedral), in Norway (at the Arctic Cathedral in Tromso on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the foundation), in the United States (St. Patrick’s Cathedral), United Kingdom (London, Queen’s College Oxford, Sheffield Cathedral and on the famous Schulze Organ of the Doncaster Minster), Poland, Sweden, Switzerland (in the Cathedral of Saint-Pierre in Geneva), and Germany, including Berlin (St. Hedwig’s Cathedral), Lutherstadt Wittenberg (Schlosskirche on the occasion of the Martin Luther jubilee year), a performance on the Weingarten “Gabler-Orgel” during the 2006 International Organ Festival, the Riepp “Dreifaltigskeitsorgel” in the Abbey of Ottobeuren and the Rieger Orgel in the Dom of Fulda.
As a harpsichordist he collaborated with the “Orchestra barocca di Cremona”, “Gulli Ensemble”, “Hybris Baroque Ensemble”, “Musica Elegentia Consort”, “Trigono Armonico” and “Ensemble barocco Voxonus”.
He has recorded for a collection of pieces by contemporary composers for the EurArte label, the CD “Peregrinare in grave and sweet sounds”, in duo with the violonist Matteo Cicchitti for the “ME Operae” label and the CD “Michele Mascitti – Sonate a tre op.1” (world premiere recording) with “Musica Elegentia Consort”, for the Challenge Classics label.
He composes his own organ and choir music.